Developed World ex-US 40/60 Momentum vs FundAdvice Ultimate Buy&Hold Portfolio Comparison

Last Update: 30 June 2024

The Developed World ex-US 40/60 Momentum Portfolio obtained a 3.52% compound annual return, with a 6.91% standard deviation, in the last 10 Years.

The FundAdvice Ultimate Buy&Hold Portfolio obtained a 4.31% compound annual return, with a 9.40% standard deviation, in the last 10 Years.


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Developed World ex-US 40/60 Momentum Portfolio FundAdvice Ultimate Buy&Hold Portfolio
Portfolio Risk Medium High
Asset Allocation Stocks 40% 60%
Fixed Income 60% 40%
Commodities 0% 0%
10 Years Stats Return +3.52% +4.31%
Std Dev 6.91% 9.40%
Max Drawdown -19.40% -18.44%
All time Stats
(Since Aug 2009)
Return +5.13% +6.33%
Std Dev 6.97% 9.29%
Max Drawdown -19.40% -18.44%
Last Update: 30 June 2024

Historical Returns as of Jun 30, 2024

Comparison period starts from August 2009

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1M 6M 1Y 5Y 10Y MAX
Developed World ex-US 40/60 Momentum Portfolio +0.08 +5.42 +10.31 +3.17 +3.52 +5.13
FundAdvice Ultimate Buy&Hold Portfolio -0.15 +2.24 +8.16 +4.38 +4.31 +6.33
Return over 1 year are annualized.

Capital Growth as of Jun 30, 2024

Developed World ex-US 40/60 Momentum Portfolio: an investment of 1$, since July 2014, now would be worth 1.41$, with a total return of 41.27% (3.52% annualized).

FundAdvice Ultimate Buy&Hold Portfolio: an investment of 1$, since July 2014, now would be worth 1.53$, with a total return of 52.52% (4.31% annualized).

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Developed World ex-US 40/60 Momentum Portfolio: an investment of 1$, since August 2009, now would be worth 2.11$, with a total return of 111.00% (5.13% annualized).

FundAdvice Ultimate Buy&Hold Portfolio: an investment of 1$, since August 2009, now would be worth 2.50$, with a total return of 149.96% (6.33% annualized).

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Drawdown comparison chart since July 2014.

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Developed World ex-US 40/60 Momentum Portfolio
FundAdvice Ultimate Buy&Hold Portfolio
Drawdown Start Bottom
Date (#Months)
Date (#Months)
Drawdown Start Bottom
Date (#Months)
Date (#Months)
-19.40% Sep 2021 Sep 2022 (13) In progress (34) 9.79
-18.44% Jan 2022 Sep 2022 (9) In progress (30) 8.83
-15.07% Jan 2020 Mar 2020 (3) Nov 2020 (11) 6.88
-8.59% Feb 2018 Dec 2018 (11) Apr 2019 (15) 3.42
-7.72% Feb 2020 Mar 2020 (2) Jun 2020 (5) 3.78
-6.96% May 2015 Feb 2016 (10) Jul 2016 (15) 3.64
-6.00% Feb 2018 Dec 2018 (11) Mar 2019 (14) 2.72
-5.38% May 2015 Sep 2015 (5) Jun 2016 (14) 2.83
-4.27% Aug 2016 Nov 2016 (4) Mar 2017 (8) 2.09
-3.32% Sep 2014 Sep 2014 (1) Feb 2015 (6) 1.68
-3.25% May 2019 May 2019 (1) Jun 2019 (2) 1.88
-2.60% Sep 2021 Nov 2021 (3) Dec 2021 (4) 1.60
-1.66% Oct 2016 Oct 2016 (1) Dec 2016 (3) 0.92
-1.62% Jan 2021 Feb 2021 (2) May 2021 (5) 0.94
-1.52% Sep 2014 Dec 2014 (4) Feb 2015 (6) 1.05
-1.33% Oct 2020 Oct 2020 (1) Nov 2020 (2) 0.77
-1.29% Jul 2014 Jul 2014 (1) Aug 2014 (2) 0.75
-1.27% Jul 2019 Aug 2019 (2) Sep 2019 (3) 0.66
-0.78% Jul 2014 Jul 2014 (1) Aug 2014 (2) 0.45
-0.54% Jun 2021 Jun 2021 (1) Jul 2021 (2) 0.31

Drawdown comparison chart since August 2009.

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Developed World ex-US 40/60 Momentum Portfolio
FundAdvice Ultimate Buy&Hold Portfolio
Drawdown Start Bottom
Date (#Months)
Date (#Months)
Drawdown Start Bottom
Date (#Months)
Date (#Months)
-19.40% Sep 2021 Sep 2022 (13) In progress (34) 9.79
-18.44% Jan 2022 Sep 2022 (9) In progress (30) 8.83
-15.07% Jan 2020 Mar 2020 (3) Nov 2020 (11) 6.88
-11.43% May 2011 Sep 2011 (5) Mar 2012 (11) 4.95
-8.94% May 2011 Sep 2011 (5) Jul 2012 (15) 3.88
-8.59% Feb 2018 Dec 2018 (11) Apr 2019 (15) 3.42
-7.72% Feb 2020 Mar 2020 (2) Jun 2020 (5) 3.78
-7.11% May 2010 Jun 2010 (2) Sep 2010 (5) 4.12
-6.96% May 2015 Feb 2016 (10) Jul 2016 (15) 3.64
-6.00% Feb 2018 Dec 2018 (11) Mar 2019 (14) 2.72
-5.38% May 2015 Sep 2015 (5) Jun 2016 (14) 2.83
-5.29% Apr 2012 May 2012 (2) Sep 2012 (6) 2.36
-5.17% May 2013 Jun 2013 (2) Oct 2013 (6) 3.27
-4.27% Aug 2016 Nov 2016 (4) Mar 2017 (8) 2.09
-4.04% May 2010 May 2010 (1) Jul 2010 (3) 2.68
-3.32% Sep 2014 Sep 2014 (1) Feb 2015 (6) 1.68
-3.25% May 2019 May 2019 (1) Jun 2019 (2) 1.88
-3.12% May 2013 Jun 2013 (2) Jul 2013 (3) 1.68
-2.60% Sep 2021 Nov 2021 (3) Dec 2021 (4) 1.60
-2.01% Oct 2009 Oct 2009 (1) Nov 2009 (2) 1.16

Yearly Returns

For each year, the following table provides the return and intra-year drawdown.
The highlighted returns represent the highest values for that specific year.
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Year Return Drawdown Return Drawdown