Lazy Portfolios in EUR

What have been the returns of the most famous lazy portfolios in other currencies?

In this section of the website, we examine the case of the EUR currency.

Where domestic ETFs are not yet present in our database, the metrics have been calculated using original ETFs in their original currency and simulating returns in EUR.

These calculations rely on historical exchange rates or, in case of hedged currency, historical interest rate differential. In this case, it is also assumed that hedged instruments have an additional expense ratio of 0.25% (yearly), compared to the original ones.

It's on you to opt for ETFs that mirror the same benchmark in the destination currency (EUR). The actual returns would be comparable, but they can fluctuate due to variations in sampling methodologies, annual fees, and the specific timing of exchange rate we use for month-end calculations. It is possible that you do not have access to ETFs in currency (hedged or not) that are similar to the original ones.

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Consolidated returns as of 30 April 2024
Highlighted values indicate returns lower than the Euro Inflation recorded in the same period. Euro Inflation is updated to Mar 2024. Pending updates, the monthly inflation is set at 0% for the subsequent periods. Current inflation (annualized) is 1Y: 1.79% , 5Y: 3.58% , 10Y: 2.24% , 30Y: 2.05%
Portfolio returns are updated to 30 April 2024.
Risk is represented as the annualized Standard Deviation of monthly returns.
High values of Standard Deviation mean high fluctuations in prices.
Data are updated to 30 April 2024.
The maximum Drawdown is calculated considering the end of month prices.
Low Risk Portfolios usually grant less severe drawdowns.
Data are updated to 30 April 2024.
Highlighted values indicate returns lower than the Euro Inflation recorded in the same period. Euro Inflation is updated to Mar 2024. Pending updates, the monthly inflation is set at 0% for the subsequent periods. 2024: 1.02%, 2023: 2.93%, 2022: 9.20%, 2021: 4.96%
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Highlighted values indicate returns lower than the Euro Inflation recorded in the same period. Euro Inflation is updated to Mar 2024. Pending updates, the monthly inflation is set at 0% for the subsequent periods. Current inflation (annualized) is 1Y: 1.79% , 3Y: 5.36% , 5Y: 3.58%
Portfolio returns are updated to 30 April 2024.
Risk is represented as the annualized Standard Deviation of monthly returns.
High values of Standard Deviation mean high fluctuations in prices.
Data are updated to 30 April 2024.
The maximum Drawdown is calculated considering the end of month prices.
Low Risk Portfolios usually grant less severe drawdowns.
Data are updated to 30 April 2024.
Highlighted values indicate returns lower than the Euro Inflation recorded in the same period. Euro Inflation is updated to Mar 2024. Pending updates, the monthly inflation is set at 0% for the subsequent periods. 2024: 1.02%, 2023: 2.93%, 2022: 9.20%, 2021: 4.96%
Swipe left to see all data
The metrics refer to investiments in EUR and are calculated on the hypothesis of:
  • a yearly rebalancing of the portfolios (at the beginning of the year)
  • the reinvestment of dividends
For some portfolios, metrics in EUR were calculated following a simulation.
We began with assets replicating the same benchmark in the original currency. Subsequently, returns were calculated based on historical exchange rates or the interest rate differential when currency hedging was applied. In this scenario, it is also assumed that hedged instruments have an additional expense ratio of 0.25% (annually).

It's on you to opt for ETFs that mirror the same benchmark in the destination currency (EUR). The actual returns would be comparable, but they can fluctuate due to variations in sampling methodologies, annual fees, and the specific timing of exchange rate we use for month-end calculations. It is possible that you do not have access to ETFs in currency (hedged or not) that are similar to the original ones.