Developed World ex-US Stocks Momentum Portfolio: Rolling Returns

Data Source: from August 2009 to June 2024 (~15 years)
Consolidated Returns as of 30 June 2024

Holding the Developed World ex-US Stocks Momentum Portfolio, how long should you stay invested to have high probability to obtain a positive return?

Considering all the available data source (~15 years), the longest period with a negative return lasted 67 months (from May 2011 to November 2016).

This means that every rolling period of 68 months or above has always granted a positive return.

To obtain comprehensive information, please consult the Developed World ex-US Stocks Momentum Portfolio: ETF allocation and returns page.

Rolling Returns

A rolling return is a measure of investment performance that calculates the return of an investment over a set period of time, with the starting date rolling forward. This approach can provide a more accurate representation of the investment's historical performance and helps investors to evaluate the investment's consistency over time.

Annualized Rolling Returns
Annualized Rolling Returns - Inflation Adjusted
Data Source: 1 July 2014 - 30 June 2024 (10 Years)
Data Source: 1 August 2009 - 30 June 2024 (~15 years)
Inflation Adjusted:

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Annualized Rolling Returns - 1 Year (12 months)

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Median Best Worst Negative Periods
Annualized Rolling Return +8.22% +43.71%
Apr 2020 - Mar 2021
Oct 2021 - Sep 2022
62 out of 168
US Inflation Adjusted +6.36% +40.04%
Apr 2020 - Mar 2021
Oct 2021 - Sep 2022
68 out of 168
1 Year Annualized Rolling Returns
Timeframes ending in every month

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1 Year Annualized Rolling Returns
Annualized Rolling Return Distribution

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Annualized Rolling Returns - 2 Years (24 months)

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Median Best Worst Negative Periods
Annualized Rolling Return +4.01% +23.33%
Jan 2019 - Dec 2020
Nov 2021 - Oct 2023
39 out of 156
US Inflation Adjusted +1.77% +21.13%
Jan 2019 - Dec 2020
Oct 2020 - Sep 2022
56 out of 156
2 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Timeframes ending in every month

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2 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Annualized Rolling Return Distribution

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Annualized Rolling Returns - 3 Years (36 months)

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Median Best Worst Negative Periods
Annualized Rolling Return +5.69% +17.48%
Jan 2019 - Dec 2021
Dec 2013 - Nov 2016
10 out of 144
US Inflation Adjusted +3.59% +13.43%
Jan 2019 - Dec 2021
Jan 2021 - Dec 2023
37 out of 144
3 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Timeframes ending in every month

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3 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Annualized Rolling Return Distribution

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Annualized Rolling Returns - 4 Years (48 months)

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Median Best Worst Negative Periods
Annualized Rolling Return +5.72% +13.56%
Apr 2020 - Mar 2024
Oct 2018 - Sep 2022
1 out of 132
US Inflation Adjusted +2.91% +10.94%
Jan 2017 - Dec 2020
Oct 2018 - Sep 2022
8 out of 132
4 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Timeframes ending in every month

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4 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Annualized Rolling Return Distribution

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Annualized Rolling Returns - 5 Years (60 months)

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Median Best Worst Negative Periods
Annualized Rolling Return +5.29% +11.76%
Jan 2017 - Dec 2021
Jan 2014 - Dec 2018
1 out of 120
US Inflation Adjusted +3.49% +9.26%
Mar 2016 - Feb 2021
Oct 2017 - Sep 2022
20 out of 120
5 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Timeframes ending in every month

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5 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Annualized Rolling Return Distribution

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Annualized Rolling Returns - 6 Years (72 months)

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Median Best Worst Negative Periods
Annualized Rolling Return +5.17% +9.79%
Jan 2016 - Dec 2021
Apr 2014 - Mar 2020
0 out of 108
US Inflation Adjusted +2.63% +7.75%
Oct 2011 - Sep 2017
Nov 2017 - Oct 2023
4 out of 108
6 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Timeframes ending in every month

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6 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Annualized Rolling Return Distribution

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Annualized Rolling Returns - 7 Years (84 months)

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Median Best Worst Negative Periods
Annualized Rolling Return +5.65% +8.37%
Oct 2011 - Sep 2018
Apr 2013 - Mar 2020
0 out of 96
US Inflation Adjusted +3.51% +6.73%
Oct 2011 - Sep 2018
Jul 2015 - Jun 2022
0 out of 96
7 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Timeframes ending in every month

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7 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Annualized Rolling Return Distribution

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Annualized Rolling Returns - 8 Years (96 months)

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Median Best Worst Negative Periods
Annualized Rolling Return +5.93% +8.48%
Apr 2016 - Mar 2024
Oct 2014 - Sep 2022
0 out of 84
US Inflation Adjusted +3.79% +5.93%
Feb 2010 - Jan 2018
Oct 2014 - Sep 2022
2 out of 84
8 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Timeframes ending in every month

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8 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Annualized Rolling Return Distribution

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Annualized Rolling Returns - 9 Years (108 months)

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Median Best Worst Negative Periods
Annualized Rolling Return +5.02% +9.46%
Jun 2012 - May 2021
Oct 2013 - Sep 2022
0 out of 72
US Inflation Adjusted +2.88% +7.53%
Jun 2012 - May 2021
Oct 2013 - Sep 2022
2 out of 72
9 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Timeframes ending in every month

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9 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Annualized Rolling Return Distribution

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Annualized Rolling Returns - 10 Years (120 months)

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Median Best Worst Negative Periods
Annualized Rolling Return +5.45% +8.72%
Oct 2011 - Sep 2021
Nov 2013 - Oct 2023
0 out of 60
US Inflation Adjusted +3.36% +6.68%
Oct 2011 - Sep 2021
Nov 2013 - Oct 2023
0 out of 60
10 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Timeframes ending in every month

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10 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Annualized Rolling Return Distribution

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Annualized Rolling Returns - 11 Years (132 months)

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Median Best Worst Negative Periods
Annualized Rolling Return +5.97% +8.53%
Jun 2010 - May 2021
Jul 2011 - Jun 2022
0 out of 48
US Inflation Adjusted +3.34% +6.46%
Jun 2010 - May 2021
Jul 2011 - Jun 2022
0 out of 48
11 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Timeframes ending in every month

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11 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Annualized Rolling Return Distribution

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Annualized Rolling Returns - 12 Years (144 months)

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Median Best Worst Negative Periods
Annualized Rolling Return +6.02% +7.89%
Jun 2012 - May 2024
Oct 2010 - Sep 2022
0 out of 36
US Inflation Adjusted +3.50% +5.50%
Aug 2009 - Jul 2021
Oct 2010 - Sep 2022
0 out of 36
12 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Timeframes ending in every month

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12 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Annualized Rolling Return Distribution

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Annualized Rolling Returns - 13 Years (156 months)

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Median Best Worst Negative Periods
Annualized Rolling Return +5.10% +6.57%
Jul 2010 - Jun 2023
Oct 2009 - Sep 2022
0 out of 24
US Inflation Adjusted +2.41% +3.85%
Jul 2010 - Jun 2023
Oct 2009 - Sep 2022
0 out of 24
13 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Timeframes ending in every month

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13 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Annualized Rolling Return Distribution

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Annualized Rolling Returns - 14 Years (168 months)

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Median Best Worst Negative Periods
Annualized Rolling Return +6.02% +7.43%
Jul 2010 - Jun 2024
Oct 2009 - Sep 2023
0 out of 12
US Inflation Adjusted +3.35% +4.66%
Jul 2010 - Jun 2024
Oct 2009 - Sep 2023
0 out of 12
14 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Timeframes ending in every month

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14 Years Annualized Rolling Returns
Annualized Rolling Return Distribution

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To obtain comprehensive information, please consult the Developed World ex-US Stocks Momentum Portfolio: ETF allocation and returns page.