Dedalo Invest Dedalo Four Euro Portfolio: Rebalancing Strategy

Data Source: from August 1974 to June 2024
Consolidated Returns as of 30 June 2024

Managing the Dedalo Invest Dedalo Four Euro Portfolio with a yearly rebalancing, you would have obtained a 7.52% compound annual return in the last 30 Years.

With a quarterly rebalancing, over the same period, the return would have been 7.49%.

How do returns and drawdowns change, implementing different rebalancing strategies?

Rebalancing Strategies

In order to keep risk under control, you should rebalance assets quotes from time to time, so to keep them at the original percentage of the asset allocation.

Rebalancing can be performed in several ways.

At fixed time intervals:
  • Yearly: Jan 1st
  • Half Yearly: Jan 1st, Jul 1st
  • Quarterly: Jan 1st, Apr 1st, Jul 1st, Oct 1st
When a component (at least one) diverges from its original weight beyond a certain threshold (e.g. 5% or 10%).

Portfolio Returns as of Jun 30, 2024

Implementing different rebalancing strategies, the Dedalo Invest Dedalo Four Euro Portfolio guaranteed the following returns.

According to the available data source, we assume we built the portfolio on August 1974.

Portfolio returns are calculated in EUR, assuming:
  • No fees or capital gain taxes
  • the reinvestment of dividends, if existing
  • the adjustment for actual currency exchange rates (simulation derived from original US returns)
  • the currency hedging (simulation taking into account the interest rate differentials of the countries). It is also assumed that hedged instruments have an additional expense ratio of 0.25% (yearly), compared to the US original instrument.
Period: August 1974 - June 2024
Annualized Returns
Swipe left to see all data
Return (%) and number of rebalances as of Jun 30, 2024
Rebalancing Strategy 1Y 5Y 10Y 30Y MAX
Yearly Rebalancing 16.50 (1) 9.12 (5) 7.94 (10) 7.52 (30) 9.21 (50)
Half Yearly Rebalancing 16.47 (2) 9.08 (10) 7.96 (20) 7.43 (60) 9.17 (99)
Quarterly Rebalancing 16.48 (4) 9.19 (20) 8.03 (40) 7.49 (120) 9.19 (199)
5% Tolerance per asset 16.60 (0) 9.17 (1) 8.02 (3) 7.45 (11) 9.22 (20)
10% Tolerance per asset 16.83 (1) 9.67 (1) 8.26 (1) 7.43 (3) 9.12 (4)

In order to have complete information about the portfolio, please refer to the Dedalo Invest Dedalo Four Euro Portfolio: ETF allocation and returns page.

Performances as of Jun 30, 2024

Historical returns and stats of Dedalo Invest Dedalo Four Euro Portfolio, after implementing different rebalancing strategies.

Period: August 1974 - June 2024
Swipe left to see all data
Standard Deviation
Max Drawdown (%)
Rebalancing Strategy Return % Std Dev(%) Ret. / Std Dev MaxDD(%) Ret. / MaxDD
Yearly Rebalancing 9.21 (50) 11.65 0.79 -40.62 0.23
Half Yearly Rebalancing 9.17 (99) 11.64 0.79 -41.32 0.22
Quarterly Rebalancing 9.19 (199) 11.68 0.79 -41.67 0.22
5% Tolerance per asset 9.22 (20) 11.70 0.79 -41.85 0.22
10% Tolerance per asset 9.12 (4) 11.94 0.76 -41.72 0.22
(*) Since Aug 1974 (~50 yrs) | Annualized Returns (and number of rebalances)

Drawdowns as of Jun 30, 2024

Historical Drawdowns of Dedalo Invest Dedalo Four Euro Portfolio, after implementing different rebalancing strategies.

Period: August 1974 - June 2024
Swipe left to see all data
Tolerance per asset
Yearly Half Yearly Quarterly 5% 10%
Nov 2007 - Sep 2012
Nov 2007 - Sep 2012
Nov 2007 - Nov 2012
Jun 2007 - Dec 2012
Sep 2000 - Jan 2007
Sep 2000 - Oct 2006
Sep 2000 - Oct 2006
Sep 2000 - Oct 2006
Sep 2000 - Oct 2006
Jun 2007 - Jan 2013
Sep 1987 - Jan 1989
Sep 1987 - Jan 1989
Sep 1987 - Jan 1989
Sep 1987 - Jan 1989
Sep 1987 - Jan 1989
Jan 2022 - Dec 2023
Jan 2022 - Dec 2023
Jan 2022 - Dec 2023
Jan 2022 - Dec 2023
Sep 1989 - Aug 1991
Sep 1989 - May 1991
Sep 1989 - May 1991
Sep 1989 - May 1991
Sep 1989 - May 1991
Jan 2022 - Dec 2023
5 Worst Drawdowns - Average
-28.03 -28.22 -28.11 -28.42 -29.45
10 Worst Drawdowns - Average
-20.23 -20.27 -20.21 -20.34 -21.12

For a deeper insight, please refer to the Dedalo Invest Dedalo Four Euro Portfolio: ETF allocation and returns page.