DFA One-Year Fixed-Income I (DFIHX): Dividend Yield

Last Update: 30 September 2024

Category: Fixed Income
Fund: DFA One-Year Fixed-Income I (DFIHX)

The DFA One-Year Fixed-Income I (DFIHX) Fund granted a 3.47% dividend yield in 2023.

Dividend Yield

The Dividend Yield of DFA One-Year Fixed-Income I (DFIHX) Fund is the result of the following asset allocation:

Dividend Yields (%)
Period: January 2023 - September 2024
Swipe left to see all data
2024(*) 2023
DFA One-Year Fixed-Income I (DFIHX) Fund 2.86% 3.47%
(*) Dividend Yield is calculated only for a portion of the year

Capital Growth and Dividends

In the following table, Capital Growth details (with and without dividend reinvestment) are represented.

If you are not interested in a periodic income and you need a strategy with a dividend reinvestment, please refer to the DFA One-Year Fixed-Income I (DFIHX) Fund: Historical Returns page.

Capital Growth with or without dividend reinvestment
1000$ invested from January 1983 to September 2024
Swipe left to see all data
EOY Capital
Amount Yield Effective
Ptf + Cashflow
Total Return
Div. reinvestment
1983 35.00 3.50% 35.00 1047.04 1082.04 1082.04
1984 115.78 10.70% 150.78 1051.99 1202.77 1202.94
1985 119.69 9.95% 270.47 1058.07 1328.54 1329.58
1986 114.48 8.61% 384.95 1061.33 1446.28 1448.16
1987 104.85 7.24% 489.79 1052.82 1542.61 1541.38
1988 123.93 8.04% 613.72 1045.91 1659.63 1655.20
1989 149.80 9.05% 763.52 1051.54 1815.06 1813.90
1990 157.63 8.69% 921.14 1055.85 1976.99 1978.96
1991 141.30 7.14% 1062.44 1072.65 2135.09 2151.75
1992 135.99 6.32% 1198.43 1060.44 2258.87 2263.25
1993 96.64 4.27% 1295.07 1061.75 2356.82 2362.69
1994 109.39 4.63% 1404.47 1038.67 2443.14 2420.72
1995 149.60 6.18% 1554.07 1057.32 2611.39 2613.78
1996 147.68 5.65% 1701.75 1058.86 2760.61 2765.27
1997 165.92 6.00% 1867.66 1058.81 2926.47 2931.07
1998 164.14 5.60% 2031.80 1059.88 3091.68 3098.15
1999 164.51 5.31% 2196.31 1052.37 3248.68 3240.71
2000 201.25 6.21% 2397.56 1057.80 3455.36 3458.69
2001 160.83 4.65% 2558.39 1069.57 3627.96 3657.99
2002 135.35 3.70% 2693.74 1071.69 3765.43 3800.58
2003 76.39 2.01% 2770.13 1067.42 3837.55 3861.86
2004 61.02 1.58% 2831.15 1060.10 3891.25 3896.36
2005 120.79 3.10% 2951.93 1051.63 4003.56 3986.03
2006 166.22 4.17% 3118.15 1058.01 4176.16 4176.45
2007 212.58 5.09% 3330.73 1059.05 4389.78 4393.11
2008 132.23 3.01% 3462.96 1069.76 4532.72 4569.76
2009 74.49 1.63% 3537.45 1072.89 4610.34 4657.63
2010 44.71 0.96% 3582.16 1075.01 4657.17 4711.57
2011 37.22 0.79% 3619.39 1072.88 4692.27 4739.44
2012 35.07 0.74% 3654.46 1074.96 4729.42 4783.68
2013 21.05 0.44% 3675.51 1073.87 4749.38 4799.92
2014 16.80 0.35% 3692.31 1072.87 4765.18 4812.21
2015 24.54 0.51% 3716.85 1070.76 4787.61 4827.32
2016 36.20 0.75% 3753.05 1071.74 4824.79 4867.95
2017 55.49 1.14% 3808.55 1069.61 4878.16 4913.75
2018 91.89 1.87% 3900.43 1069.65 4970.08 5005.81
2019 107.62 2.15% 4008.06 1072.77 5080.83 5128.03
2020 31.79 0.62% 4039.85 1072.82 5112.67 5160.07
2021 0.00 0.00% 4039.85 1070.77 5110.62 5150.23
2022 54.08 1.05% 4093.93 1046.79 5140.72 5088.95
2023 176.59 3.47% 4270.52 1062.51 5333.03 5341.96
Sep 2024(*) 152.85 2.86% 4423.37 1067.19 5490.56 5518.35
(*) Dividend Yield is calculated only for a portion of the year WITHOUT

Column meaning:

  • Dividend -> Amount: Income returned over the year (or portion of the year)
  • Dividend -> Yield: Dividend Yield calculated on the starting price of the year
  • Cumulative Dividend Cashflow: Sum of all the dividends received
  • Portfolio Value: Investment Value, excluding dividends, at the end of year
  • EOY Capital -> Effective: Investment Value plus cumulative dividends
  • EOY Capital -> Total Return: Investment Value, with dividend reinvestment

Which are the global returns of the last periods? In the following table, the Effective Return considers the received (and not reinvested) dividends. Total Return is calculated assuming dividend reinvestment.

Swipe left to see all data
Period Portfolio
Jan 2023 - Sep 2024 +1.95% +6.81% +8.44%
Jan 2021 - Sep 2024 -0.52% +7.39% +6.94%
Jan 2019 - Sep 2024 -0.23% +10.47% +10.24%
Jan 2017 - Sep 2024 -0.42% +13.80% +13.36%
Jan 2014 - Sep 2024 -0.62% +15.61% +14.97%

Yearly Returns and Dividend Yield

Dividends are essential for the investor who needs additional periodic income. When dividends are not reinvested, how much is the real portfolio return over the years?

Period: January 1983 - September 2024
Swipe left to see all data
Year Total Return Dividend Yield Return
Without Dividends
1983 +8.20% 3.50% +4.70%
1984 +11.17% 10.70% +0.47%
1985 +10.53% 9.95% +0.58%
1986 +8.92% 8.61% +0.31%
1987 +6.44% 7.24% -0.80%
1988 +7.38% 8.04% -0.66%
1989 +9.59% 9.05% +0.54%
1990 +9.10% 8.69% +0.41%
1991 +8.73% 7.14% +1.59%
1992 +5.18% 6.32% -1.14%
1993 +4.39% 4.27% +0.12%
1994 +2.46% 4.63% -2.17%
1995 +7.98% 6.18% +1.80%
1996 +5.80% 5.65% +0.15%
1997 +6.00% 6.00% 0.00%
1998 +5.70% 5.60% +0.10%
1999 +4.60% 5.31% -0.71%
2000 +6.73% 6.21% +0.52%
2001 +5.76% 4.65% +1.11%
2002 +3.90% 3.70% +0.20%
2003 +1.61% 2.01% -0.40%
2004 +0.89% 1.58% -0.69%
2005 +2.30% 3.10% -0.80%
2006 +4.78% 4.17% +0.61%
2007 +5.19% 5.09% +0.10%
2008 +4.02% 3.01% +1.01%
2009 +1.92% 1.63% +0.29%
2010 +1.16% 0.96% +0.20%
2011 +0.59% 0.79% -0.20%
2012 +0.93% 0.74% +0.19%
2013 +0.34% 0.44% -0.10%
2014 +0.26% 0.35% -0.09%
2015 +0.31% 0.51% -0.20%
2016 +0.84% 0.75% +0.09%
2017 +0.94% 1.14% -0.20%
2018 +1.87% 1.87% 0.00%
2019 +2.44% 2.15% +0.29%
2020 +0.62% 0.62% 0.00%
2021 -0.19% 0.00% -0.19%
2022 -1.19% 1.05% -2.24%
2023 +4.97% 3.47% +1.50%
Sep 2024(*) +3.30% 2.86% +0.44%
(*) Dividend Yield is calculated only for a portion of the year

Actual Dividend Yield for long term investors

What would have been the annual Dividend Yield received by investors if they had implemented the DFA One-Year Fixed-Income I (DFIHX) Fund allocation over the past years?

E.g. If you had implemented it 3 years ago, how much would be your actual dividend yield today?

ACTUAL DIVIDEND YIELD for long-term investors
Period: January 1983 - September 2024
Swipe left to see all data
Starting Period
of the
Actual Dividend Yield over years
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024(*)
Jan 1983 9.19% 10.76% 3.18% 0.00% 5.41% 17.66% 15.29%
Jan 1984 8.49% 9.95% 2.94% 0.00% 5.00% 16.32% 14.13%
Jan 1985 7.64% 8.95% 2.64% 0.00% 4.50% 14.68% 12.71%
Jan 1986 6.91% 8.09% 2.39% 0.00% 4.07% 13.28% 11.50%
Jan 1987 6.35% 7.43% 2.20% 0.00% 3.73% 12.19% 10.55%
Jan 1988 5.96% 6.98% 2.06% 0.00% 3.51% 11.46% 9.92%
Jan 1989 5.55% 6.50% 1.92% 0.00% 3.27% 10.67% 9.23%
Jan 1990 5.07% 5.93% 1.75% 0.00% 2.98% 9.74% 8.43%
Jan 1991 4.64% 5.44% 1.61% 0.00% 2.73% 8.92% 7.72%
Jan 1992 4.27% 5.00% 1.48% 0.00% 2.51% 8.21% 7.10%
Jan 1993 4.06% 4.76% 1.40% 0.00% 2.39% 7.80% 6.75%
Jan 1994 3.89% 4.55% 1.35% 0.00% 2.29% 7.47% 6.47%
Jan 1995 3.80% 4.45% 1.31% 0.00% 2.23% 7.29% 6.31%
Jan 1996 3.52% 4.12% 1.22% 0.00% 2.07% 6.76% 5.85%
Jan 1997 3.32% 3.89% 1.15% 0.00% 1.96% 6.39% 5.53%
Jan 1998 3.14% 3.67% 1.08% 0.00% 1.85% 6.02% 5.21%
Jan 1999 2.97% 3.47% 1.03% 0.00% 1.75% 5.70% 4.93%
Jan 2000 2.84% 3.32% 0.98% 0.00% 1.67% 5.45% 4.72%
Jan 2001 2.66% 3.11% 0.92% 0.00% 1.56% 5.11% 4.42%
Jan 2002 2.51% 2.94% 0.87% 0.00% 1.48% 4.83% 4.18%
Jan 2003 2.42% 2.83% 0.84% 0.00% 1.42% 4.65% 4.02%
Jan 2004 2.38% 2.79% 0.82% 0.00% 1.40% 4.57% 3.96%
Jan 2005 2.36% 2.76% 0.82% 0.00% 1.39% 4.53% 3.92%
Jan 2006 2.31% 2.70% 0.80% 0.00% 1.36% 4.43% 3.83%
Jan 2007 2.20% 2.58% 0.76% 0.00% 1.29% 4.23% 3.66%
Jan 2008 2.09% 2.45% 0.72% 0.00% 1.23% 4.02% 3.48%
Jan 2009 2.01% 2.36% 0.70% 0.00% 1.18% 3.86% 3.34%
Jan 2010 1.97% 2.31% 0.68% 0.00% 1.16% 3.79% 3.28%
Jan 2011 1.95% 2.28% 0.67% 0.00% 1.15% 3.75% 3.24%
Jan 2012 1.94% 2.27% 0.67% 0.00% 1.14% 3.73% 3.23%
Jan 2013 1.92% 2.25% 0.66% 0.00% 1.13% 3.69% 3.20%
Jan 2014 1.91% 2.24% 0.66% 0.00% 1.13% 3.68% 3.18%
Jan 2015 1.91% 2.24% 0.66% 0.00% 1.12% 3.67% 3.18%
Jan 2016 1.90% 2.23% 0.66% 0.00% 1.12% 3.66% 3.17%
Jan 2017 1.89% 2.21% 0.65% 0.00% 1.11% 3.63% 3.14%
Jan 2018 1.87% 2.19% 0.65% 0.00% 1.10% 3.59% 3.11%
Jan 2019 2.15% 0.64% 0.00% 1.08% 3.53% 3.05%
Jan 2020 0.62% 0.00% 1.05% 3.44% 2.98%
Jan 2021 0.00% 1.05% 3.42% 2.96%
Jan 2022 1.05% 3.43% 2.97%
Jan 2023 3.47% 3.00%
(*) Dividend Yield is calculated only for a portion of the year

Collecting dividends is useful to obtain an additional income. Obtaining a large amount of income is the first step to financial freedom. However, if your need is to increase your capital as much as possible with dividend reinvestment, please refer to the DFA One-Year Fixed-Income I (DFIHX) Fund: Historical Returns page.